00 HOR. 00 MIN. 00 SEC.

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Autographed jersey by Afonso Figueiredo of Clube Desportivo das Aves
€81.00 $81.24 aprox.
Este leilão está encerrado.


Solidarity auction of the autographed jersey of footballer Afonso Figueiredo of Clube Desportivo das Aves to support children in SOS Villages.
The Association of SOS Children's Villages of Portugal thanks the athlete for the offer of his jersey

The mission of SOS Children's Villages is to accompany children and young people who are in a vulnerable situation, with the aim of promoting their full development and autonomy, through welcoming, preventing and strengthening their family and social networks.

They work with children at risk of losing their parenting care (SOS Prevention Program) and on children who have already lost their parenting care (SOS Protection Program).

The amount raised from this auction will be used for the purchase of school and didactic material to support the study and also for the purchase of equipment (masks, gloves) and individual protection materials (eg disinfectant gel) from users and employees in the context of the current pandemic COVID 19.

In addition to these needs, Aldeias de Crianças SOS, also bear the costs of food and personal hygiene of users and hygiene of the houses where they live.

Shipping costs will be the winner's responsibility.

Payment is made by bank transfer. At the end of the auction, bank details will be communicated to the winner by email. Payment must be made within forty-eight hours.

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