00 HOR. 00 MIN. 00 SEC.

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Um lance dado nos dois minutos finais do leilão vai acrescentar mais dois minutos no relógio.

Weekend for couple with breakfast at Itu Plaza Hotel
R$320.00 $62.08 aprox.
Este leilão está encerrado.


Abrale's longtime partner, The Itu Plaza Hotel, a prestigious development that preserves the advantages of the interior of São Paulo and takes advantage of its location to generate comfort and good times, is donating a weekend with breakfast to raise funds for support projects to patients.

Thank you very much Team Itu Plaza Hotel, this initiative will help maintain the free assistance that ABRALE offers to patients with blood cancer throughout Brazil.

According to the availability of the hotel upon prior reservation.
* after returning from normal activities.

The method of payment is bank transfer from winner to Abrale account. At the end of the auction the winner shall be served notice by email of the bank details. The payment must be made within forty-eight hours.

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