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Red shoes worn by the singer Rita Redshoes
€250.00 $250.75 aprox.
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Charity auction of a pair of red shoes worn by the singer Rita Redshoes during some of her first concerts to support the charity The Big Hand, with specific emphasis on helping the Chipaco community in Matsinho village, Mozambique.

These shoes (size 38) were donated by the singer and she is the Godmother and supporter of the charity The Big Hand.

The Big Hand contributes to the development of the communities where it operates, through a pedagogical model focused on the children.

Proceeds from thus charity auction will be used on the project to support children living in disadvanteged conditions, ensuring access to education, clean water and healthcare.

Chipaco community is a rural community in which the population practices subsistence farming, whil living below the poverty line.
The school has only one classroom that has several structural problems constituting a current danger to the school children.

Help support the rebuilding of this school by donating to this charity auction.

Comentários (1)

  • Alberto Silva Alberto Silva
    Dar atinge o limite da felicidade, nem nos da-mos conta !!!

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